

On Monday, March 20th I received my first every healing session with Chanda.  I will admit, I had no idea what I was walking into nor did I really want to know.  I had two major questions that I had to ask of Chanda prior to me going.  1.  Do I need to get undressed, as it was a huge fear of mine and never have I paid or longed for a massage as people talk so often about being undressed and touched.  To my relief, I didn’t have to be undressed, I could come as comfortable as I wanted, and for 2 she wasn’t going to be touching me, unless we discussed it prior and it would just be my head and shoulders.  Yes, well that was a win. The second question was a mind or matter thing and probably one big reason this session was needed for me to what I came to learn, Was the table that she was expecting me to lay on going to be able to hold my weight?  She promised me it would however, she told me if I was uncomfortable at all she would move the space to the floor so that I would not have that worry.  I had plenty of time to think about all of this as we scheduled it about a month in advance so it would fit well in my schedule and hers. 

All she told me was that I would get paperwork mailed to me prior to be honest with answering and to truly think of the answers prior to me sending it back and if possible to have it to her a week in advance so she could be prepared.  I got the paperwork 2 weeks prior and gave it honest thought. I answered it very honestly as I had come to the decision that I was going to give this a true honest chance as what did I have to lose.  I trusted Chanda, I wanted change, and I had really no clue what to expect and didn’t want to know, plus my 2 major concerns were answered.

The Friday prior to my appointment, Chanda sent me a reminder of seeing me on Monday. I replied, "sounds good" and we left it at that.

The big day finally came, I was looking at so many ways of talking myself out of going, what was going to happen, was I going to be okay, was it real.  However, my dedication to change in myself, longing to be better, and learning to step out in fear, I got in the car and send a message to Chanda prior to pulling out I will see you soon.

When I arrived for my appointment, Chanda greeted me at the door with a calming energy, and a smile so happy to see you and I am proud of you.  She knew and acknowledged how it was a big deal for me and made me feel appreciated and very comfortable. 

As we approached her calming therapy room, the smells in the home were very relaxing and I felt a sense of okay I can do this.  She had a chair for me to sit on as we went over any other questions or concerns I may have.  Chanda did a great job of explaining to me what to expect and that no two people get the same thing.  She told me all I had to do was relax, let my mind be free, and just not fight the process of meditation.  She explained she would be walking around the room, there would be different scents, sounds, and noise.  All I had to do was enjoy the process that it could bring up emotions or feelings and if at any point it got to be to much I just needed to let her know and we could stop the healing process. 

During the time of spoken meditation to give me the time to relax my entire body and just feel my soul, Chanda spoke very calmly.  She took her time so that my entire body was able to release stress and tension and gain all that was to be allowed. 

During the meditation and sound healing process I felt a deep wave along the left side of my body, and I felt a strange feeling in my throat and neck area.  I also keep seeing a light blue haze with white clouds floating along them.  I at one point was fighting the feeling and then said to myself, just go with it.  Let this happen.

After my session, Chanda talked softly and gentle to bring me out of the deep meditation that I had been able to experience. 

As I sat up, I was light headed however had a headache.  Chanda offered me water to drink and told me to sit and relax a bit before getting up.  While I sat I looked to her to ask what does the color blue mean and we talked about the deep wave feeling I had on my left side.

She offered me oils to try while I was there for 2 of the areas that were of concern that I and her were able to bring to a surface while receiving my session.

I was very happy that she had these for me to purchase and I was in a state of I can’t even explain as I left to go on with my day.

So here I am now 2 weeks post session and let me tell you all that this skeptical woman has experienced:

  1. I use the oils for Sacral and Root Chakra daily.  (Yes, I skipped a day as I could not believe it was really working, well that was a mistake I use them daily without missing any more)
    1. Why: I use to fill with gas each evening, and while sleeping as I rolled over or moved, I would pass gas and it was needless to say embarrassing, well guess what NO MORE!
    2. My thoughts and Mind would many times be all over the place, I am way more productive and using of my time.
  2. I have studied the seeing of blue while in my session, to find that I needed to close the door to the damage of my father, who by the way his favorite color was blue, forgive him, and decide I wasn’t opening that door anymore.
  3. I have been tried four different times with stressors that I would allow to overtake me over the last two weeks, I was able to breathe, stop, and then respond in a manner of fact and not taking it on.
  4. I lost my mother who was the world to me. I was finally after seeing her sit at the foot of my bed just a night ago, she has been gone for 5 years now, and I have never heard or seen her in my dreams, well until a night ago when she sat with me and told me she was happy for my changes, she supported me, and she wanted to see my journey of growth.
  5. I have been falling asleep within about 30 minutes of following my new discipline of writing down gratitude of each day, praying, meditation, and being a peace. 9yes with no more gas passing.
  6. I have been talking to my son and his family that we have not communicated over the last 3 years.
  7. I have been in contact with all my grandchildren all eight of them.
  8. I have started to take 1 hour a day each day to myself, by myself, with no interruption.
  9. I have given time to me to exercise and eat healthy, and have lost 21 lbs. It is okay, I have a lot to lose, hey I drink water and like it. 
  10. I have gotten this huge release of pressure and pain in my left hip and thigh over the last two weeks, it was just an ache that would not go away.
  11. I have been blessed with hearing small amounts in my left ear, which was gone for over 20 years.

So as these things come up I write them down, look into why, how, and what I need to do or not do with them.  I have decided I will know when the time is right and can’t wait to attend another healing session.  And the continued support and guidance I get from Chanda has been amazing.

So from this skeptic to you, Do it afraid, I have learned from all of this I can’t change my destination overnight, but I sure did change direction and It is AMAZING ---Traci K.




My session with Chanda was enlightening.  I went in anticipating some relaxation and that was about it.  What I got though, was so much more than relaxation.   


In the beginning, I wasn't sure I would be able to relax, but it didn't take long before I truly was in a meditative state.  The Ocean Drum was so amazing.  My response to it was pretty crazy.  I was almost instantly fully relaxed.  


I started to see all of these Purple swirls, when doing energy work by my head.  The purples, varying in hues, continued throughout the entire session with some greens mid-body.  


The Ocean Drum and the Bowls brought forth such calm.  The bowls, especially the deeper sounding ones creating tingling sensations throughout my body.  


At first, other than feeling super relaxed, I didn't notice too much as far as change.  But in the week or 2 since, I have noticed such big differences in my attitude and my inner peace.  


I have always been very anxious, worried all the time, depressed... I just never felt peace.  And now... I feel more equipped to handle the stressors in my life.  


I read about the colors I saw during meditation.  The purples having to do with emotional distress, feelings of isolation, confusion about life's direction... to name a few, and all rang true to me.  


But I honestly feel as though after just 1 session, something became unblocked.  I started having memories of things I hadn't thought of in years.  Traumas, that I suddenly understand, completely shaped who I am.  Why I felt how I did...low self esteem/self hate, fear of not being accepted or loveable.  


 I feel less stressed for sure.  Everything seemed stressful, even daily tasks, would get me so worked up and now they do not stress me out like they had.  But even more importantly, I feel as though some of the weight of my past has been lifted, I feel as though I am lighter in spirit.  I feel more accepting of me.  


Thanks for letting me be a "guinea pig" Chanda!  It helped me in ways I NEVER expected.  ----Tracy M




5 Stars
Chanda did a great job making me comfortable for my first Reiki Session as I was not sure what to expect. I was so relaxed. After the session I was completely zen and it continued for days. I had an event that evening and as events go things do not always run smooth and i did not get frazzled or stressed, I just rolled with things and was calm.
I highly recommend doing a session. ----Jenna S.



The energy healing I experienced with Chanda was unexplainable! she intuitively tapped into many issues I was facing and how it was effecting my body. She skillfully lead me into a deep meditative state that continued into Reiki and sound healing. I was experiencing a lot of anxiety and insomnia, but that night I slept like a rock! Booking and following through with this healing session was the best thing I have done for myself in a long time. I highly recommend! ~~~Heidi 




Absolutely loved my "zen" session with Chanda! I felt so relaxed and refreshed. Chanda was very professional and our conversation before and after was great. Love how she gives you homework to continue the healing process. --- Alicia R.




I had such a great session with Chanda. She was able to move my energy into the light. I was weightless. No stress, no fear, no grief. Now its up to me to try and stay in the moment and enjoy the best life has to offer! I highly recommend! ---B.J.




If you are looking for a lasting massage for your mind & soul.....This is the ticket. Chanda does not disappoint! -----C. Hass




My first thoughts when Chanda asked me if I was interested in having my chakra read and a sound bath done, I was interested and a little intimidated as I have never done anything like this before. I wanted to go in with an open mind, so I didn't look anything up online beforehand. Chanda walked me through the process before and went over the things she felt would best benefit me for my questionnaire. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised at how I had a light feeling and felt less stress when I was done. The sound bath was an awesome experience. --------R. Klatt




First I have to say I’m so glad I got to experience this. I know I would not have sought out a sound bath or anything like that.  


I left feeling super relaxed which was what I expected.  What I didn’t expect was what was to come in the days after. I was enjoying the calm feeling that continued but I realized shortly thereafter how much more productive I became and how much more energy I had.  I  also seem to have more self discipline to focus on a few things that have needed my attention for awhile.  I am now working on my “homework” and spending time focusing on a daily affirmation and journaling or meditating when I can.


Self care is so important and going forward I am going to make more time for it.


Thank you Chanda!





I recently had a sound therapy session, and I can't express enough how incredible it was! From start to finish, the entire session was an absolute delight.

Chanda was exceptionally skilled and knowledgeable in the art of sound therapy. Her expertise truly shone through, creating a comfortable and welcoming environment.

The session itself was nothing short of magical. The variety of instruments used to produce soothing sounds and vibrations was mesmerizing.

I could feel the stress and tension melting away. The sound waves seemed to penetrate every cell of my body, releasing any blockages and restoring a sense of balance and tranquility. It was as if the sound was healing my very soul.

I left the session feeling rejuvenated, refreshed, and with a renewed sense of clarity. The positive effects continued long after the session ended, as I noticed improved sleep, reduced anxiety, and a greater ability to cope with daily challenges.

I highly recommend sound therapy to anyone seeking profound relaxation, stress relief, and inner harmony. The experience was truly transformative, and I cannot thank Chanda enough for her expertise and the incredible healing journey she guided me through.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! ------C. Brown



I recently had the pleasure of immersing myself in the world of Reiki, and it was a truly awe-inspiring journey. The combination of chakras, singing bowls, rain sticks, meditation, chimes, and the overall energy and ambiance created an experience of profound serenity and rejuvenation.

From the moment I stepped into the tranquil space, I could sense the positive energy enveloping me. The gentle, soothing music playing in the background instantly transported me to a state of tranquility. The room was adorned with beautiful crystals, inviting a sense of spiritual connection and balance.

If you're seeking a transformative and rejuvenating experience, I wholeheartedly recommend exploring the world of Reiki at Drops of Inner Peace. ----------K. Boylan
